ECE Training Dynamics is dedicated to providing quality interactive training and consulting to individuals in the field of early childhood education. All instruction focuses on the whole child through developmentally appropriate practices and promotes a play-based curriculum.
Marlyn Kramer, M.Ed./ECE is the Founder/CEO of ECE Training Dynamics, LLC. She is a Master Registered Trainer with Texas Early Childhood Professional Development System and provides training for both trainers and early childhood educators. Ms. Kramer has taught in the public school system and currently teaches pre-kindergarten for a private school.
Early Childhood Education should meet the needs of the whole child, including physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. This is best accomplished in a safe and nurturing environment that provides developmentally appropriate play-based curriculum, sufficient opportunities for exploration, problem solving, language development, and creative expression.
Teachers, Care Givers, and Administrators will learn tips and come away with tools and acivities that can be immediately utilized in their early childhood classroom.
The participants of this workshop will learn fun activities that use those beloved nursery rhymes of our childhood to teach objectives in language arts, reading, writing, creative dramatics, and math! It is a fast-paced class aimed at ages 3 years - kindergarten!
Participants of this workshop will be able to identify the safety issues of cooking with young children, the benefits of classroom cooking, TEKS that can be implemented through cooking, and examples of how to successfully implement cooking projects in the classroom.
Participants will learn a collection of innovative organizational tips, classroom management techniques, transition activities, behavior management strategies and repurposing materials to help facilitate their classrooms. Good for new and veteran teachers.
The participants will learn fun and surprising ways to expand their students' art projects to incorporate math, language arts, reading, writing, science, and social studies.
Participants will learn a variety of fun, developmentally appropriate ways to interact with their students that will develop/promote healthy, happy readers!
Children love books! The participants will learn creative activities that show how they can extend students' favorite books while teaching a variety of objectives in math, language arts, reading, and writing!
Is it really just playing? Participants of this workshop will discover the importance of play and how to incorporate developmentally appropriate play in the classroom that will help children in the acquisition of pre-reading, pre-math, problem solving, social and other skills.
Participants of this workshop will learn how to revive classic Golden Books as they teach a variety of creative activities in math, language arts, and oral expression while discovering timeless hidden moral gems.
Participants of this workshop will discover how to take advantage of 3-5 minute fun segments of circle time to teach a wide variety of objectives including reading, writing, math, and science! They will learn different activities and strategies that will keep students interested and engaged!
Are you an early childhood teacher who is interested in expanding your horizons by becoming a trainer? Are you a trainer who needs to renew your certification hours? Or are you an administrator who wants to help your staff be more effective in their classroom teaching? These Train the Trainer classes can fulfill your goals. All workshops meet the requirements of TECPDS registry certification/recertification.
Instructional plans, lesson plans, and goal setting all begin with writing objectives - which can often be intimidating. Participants of this workshop will learn tips and tools to help them organize their ideas for writing simple, concise objectives every time!